Donor Advised Funds
A donor advised fund (DAF) functions much like a personal charitable savings account where you as the donor recommend gifts to organizations of your choice to be made from your account and receive the tax benefits. You can make one-time, annual, and recurring contributions from your DAF account.
You can also work with your account servicer to name BRN as the beneficiary of your account as either a percentage or the full account balance or create a legacy by naming a successor family member to carry on the charitable giving of the account.
New to Donor Advised Funds?
There are many fund providers available that should be researched by you as the donor to find the best match for your needs.
Check out this helpful article about how DAF's work.
Mailing Address & Legal Name:
Borderlands Restoration Network
PO Box 121
​Patagonia, AZ 85624
Federal Tax ID #: 47-2581032