For the past decade, the Women Grow Food program was the beating heart of the Deep Dirt Farm property. This program and many years of coordinated on-site volunteer work were guided by permaculture practitioner Kate Tirion, a graduate of the UC Santa Cruz Farm Program. Each year, adult women from east Santa Cruz County engaged in hands-on learning as they gardened and grew friendships.
Borderlands Restoration Network is working on expanding programming opportunities at the Borderlands Earth Care Center (BECC). As we grow the capacity of the education program, the budding We Grow Food program will allow more community members to participate in gardening, composting, seed and food harvesting, planting, shared learning, skills training, and relationship-building through projects and workshops on-site.
​Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature with protracted and thoughtful observation rather than hurried and thoughtless labor by looking at plants and animals in all their functions rather than treating any area as a single product system.